Having Spring Break off offered 9 entire days of time to organize and realize I do not know how to cook. I spent a day organizing my pantry and kitchen. I love it. I love that at 9 p.m. this evening I made delicious brownies from scratch. I made a pretty amazing chocolate cake last week too. I can bake just about anything I want and 9 times out of 10, it is always tasty. But, that is baking.
Cooking a meal offers far more challenges than I could EVER imagine. I blame my mom, or should it be my dad? Either way my mom didn't use many spices and everything was simple. I like simple, simple is easy, simple is functional, simple is not what my husband likes. As I posted in my last blog, we are working towards me staying home. Part of being a full time mommy means I have to know how to make chocolate chip cookies (which I do!) and be able to have a home cooked meal when D gets home most days. He enjoys cooking and I know he will be missing it if I completely take over. He will mostly miss it because, well, I don't do that great of a job at it.
Let me explain. I can make sure the food doesn't burn, is the right consistency, and is edible. I can't make it look pretty, and I definitely can't make it taste as good as D or anyone else can. If it is a casserole (requires baking in the oven) I can pass the taste test with flying colors. If it requires the stove top, seasonings, no recipe, and throwing things together, I panic. The other night I made breaded pork chops and sweet potatoes. Not too difficult, except that the pork chops tasted better with ketchup because of lack of flavor and the sweet potatoes were ok. D and the kids ate it, with ketchup. No one wanted seconds, and Ziggy (our dog) ate the scraps. You would think being pregnant and hormonal this would hurt my feelings, but it made me realize, I have LOTS of work to do before I am the one responsible for all meals my family eating.
So, my goal is to practice. If my family doesn't want to be eating cereal, breakfast, take out and sandwiches for the next ____ years...I better get busy!