Friday, March 23, 2012


I really did not want to know if we were having a boy or a girl. Let me emphasis the I part of this equation. This comes into play as I unfold the events leading to our now knowledge of Sprout. We had our one and only sonogram yesterday. I had my whole plan of asking the technician if he would write it down, I would hide it in a safe place and in a few weeks we would open up and find out if we so desired. The best of both worlds, perfect right? All was perfect until we close the doors.

I politely ask the man how long he has been doing this. "32 years" was his response. Excellent! I don't have a newbie so the chances of wrong information have drastically declined. He starts to go through the parts of Sprout (as can be seen below):

Sweet baby!

All is looking great! I am super pumped especially since my first image of my baby, that sadly he didn't capture, was Sprout rapidly punching, boxer style. We continue to oogle over little Sprout, talking, joking. I hadn't said anything yet about keeping Sprout's gender a secret. For some reason I assumed he would ask when we got to that body part, which he probably would have had Dustin not said the following statement at the EXACT right time, "I am just looking for the turtle". The technician's response?


Yep, plain as day (one of the advantages of being 22 weeks for your first sono) Judah Arik Morrow will be here late July/early August and we could not be MORE excited. Here is what Denise and I made last night so I could wear it to school today (more her than me, she is wayyyyy more crafty):

It says "Hey Jude" under the 'stache.

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